Yes, we all have our favorite TV shows. It's so easy to relax, grab some popcorn, and watch the "telly."
But with school starting (or perhaps already started) it's time to become more active and turn off the TV. Time to add soccer, football, school sports, and homework to your schedule. And hopefully cooler weather.

by Matt Novak is a fabulous book about a mouse family. There are 10 family members plus the baby. Each member of the family likes watching a different show on TV; adventure, comedy, history, mystery, science, scary stuff, music, games, how-to channel, and where-to channel. They argue during the commercials and wake up the baby. Then one night the TV doesn't work. They discover a perfect solution to the problem. Plus the story has a cute, funny ending.
Extending the Reading Experience
After reading the book to your class, brainstorm and chart their ideas:
Things to do instead of watching TV.
Examples: Play soccer, rollerskate, sing, dance, etc.
Then have your students pick one idea to write about on their paper and draw a picture to match. (Free blackline master below.) Have them write 2 sentences. A topic sentence and a then a detail sentence.
Example: I can roller-skate with my brother. We roller-skate at the park.
Once everyone is finished the students can partner share their work. You can also hang them up in your classroom.
Please click on the blackline master below to print your FREE copy. There are two pages with two kinds of writing lines. It will link you to teachers pay teachers where you can download a free copy from Picture Book Reviews With Writing Connections.