I'm so excited to announce the release of my new hardcover picture book, The Perfectly Purple Sneakers!
It's so cute and it was a lot of fun to write!
It's based on my appreciation of shiny, purple sneakers, and the ability to change "lemons into lemonade" as we face life's challenges. In other words, looking on the bright side of unfortunate events.
The illustrator's illustrations are adorable!
(It's available on
amazon.com and
Teachers pay Teachers.)

Juliette LOVES purple, especially her NEW, perfectly purple sneakers.
She eagerly wears her sneakers to school. As the day goes by, her sneakers become not so new and not so purple. They get dirty, painted, torn, and even jellied.
It's not easy to look on the bright side of unexpected and unhappy events.
But Juliette's upbeat attitude, along with the encouragement of the people around her, give her the confidence she needs to see that those not so new and not so purple sneakers are, in every other way, absolutely perfect.
Here are some sample pages from the book:
It's a wonderful read aloud book! And I've included FREE Common Core Aligned comprehension question and answer sticks, plus writing response sheets for the book.
Best of luck and good wishes for the new school year!