Friday, September 21, 2012

We Share Everything!

Picture books are the greatest.  They say so much in just a few words.  The illustrations are marvelous.

My all time favorite children's author is Robert Munsch.  His books are so funny.  He has such a good sense of humor.  Teachers and students of all ages can appreciate and enjoy his books.
Here is one of my favorites.

We Share Everything!
By Robert Munsch
It's the first day of school for Amanda and Jeremiah. (They go to kindergarten, but you can read this book to any age group.)  They don't know what to do. And they don't know how to share.

They don't know how to share a book.
So Jeremiah screams and Amanda sticks a book in his mouth.

Jeremiah builds a tower and Amanda kicks it down.
They have a paint fight.

Each time there is a problem the teacher angelically flies over to say, "We share everything."

Finally Amanda and Jeremiah decide to share, but what should they share?
They hilariously decide to share their clothes!

The teacher can't believe her eyes.  "Who told you to do this?" she yells.
Cleverly they reply, "We share everything!" (Just like she told them to do.)

FREE - Extending the Reading Experience

After reading this book to your class or your students can read it independently, use the book discussion questions to check student listening/reading comprehension. Then follow-up and brainstorm with your class or make a class chart:
What kinds of things can we share in our classroom?

If you would like a FREE copy please click on the picture below to link to teachers pay teachers where you can download a free copy from Picture Book Reviews With Writing Connections.

Happy Reading,


  1. I haven't read this one yet - will definitely have to try it out because my kiddos LOVE funny books this year!

  2. Hi Kelly,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I think your class will really enjoy this book. It's quite funny!
    Take care & have a great week.
