Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Odd Egg

Odd isn't always bad. Odd can be beautiful and exciting.

We all have some quirkiness in us. The important thing is to learn to appreciate it instead of making fun of it. That's a wonderful lesson learned in this book, The Odd Egg, by Emily Gravett.

All the birds laid eggs. But duck could not lay an egg.  Then duck found the most beautiful egg that he had ever seen.

The other birds thought the egg was ugly. Then all the birds' eggs hatched except for duck's egg.

Duck waited and waited. Finally duck's egg hatched.

Surprise, out came a crocodile from duck's egg!

(That should teach them!  Just kidding.)
Please click on the  book picture to link to Barnes and Noble.

FREE Extending the Reading Experience

It's important to expand students' comprehension on what they have read or the story they have heard. I usually read a story 2 or more times before focusing on comprehension.

Below are 2 comprehension worksheets I use with the story, The Odd Egg, plus a decorate your own odd egg page.  I have the students cut out the eggs and then staple the eggs at the top, above their names, to make an egg mini-book.

The first page has an egg where students can use their imagination and decorate their own odd egg. The second page provides a place for students to retell the beginning, middle, and end of the story. The third page has an interpretive question based on the text and also making a connection, text to self question.

The pages can be completed in small groups, whole class instruction, or individually at a center.

Please click on the picture below to print out copies. It will link you to teachers pay teachers where you can download a free copy from Picture Book Reviews With Writing Connections.

Take Care,


  1. Too cute! Love the spring theme. I'm your newest follower! :)


    1. Hi Brittany,
      Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your wonderful comment.
      Have a great day!
