Friday, September 2, 2016

Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze! (Book Review)

I was visiting a kindergarten classroom and noticed lots of fall books displayed across the tops of several shelves. Ooh yes, love those picture books! They get my attention every time. (I can spend hours looking at picture books.) Immediately I began browsing.

After thumbing through several of the books, this one caught my eye, Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze! It's a fun and wonderful way to introduce fall.

Big Bear is walking through the forest. The wind is swirling around him and he sneezes. Bear notices the leaves falling off the tree. He thinks his sneeze caused the leaves to fall down. So he gets a hammer and nail and tries to hammer the leaves back onto the tree.

Bear sneezes again and thinks he caused the apples to fall from the tree. He thinks his sneezing caused the geese to wake up and fly south.

The wind tries to convince Bear that she is the cause of what was happening. But Bear does not believe her. Finally the wind gets angry and lets out a whirling, twirling mighty shout and says she does it all because she is the autumn breeze.

At the end, Bear has no choice but to believe that what the wind said was true.

I really like this book! It it a great addition to any classroom library. I decided to make some comprehension question and answer sticks to go along with the book, common core aligned, as well as a windsock craft and writing prompts. It's a great way to support literacy and stretch student understanding and appreciation of the story.

Please click on the picture to view.
Have a great week!

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